1. Thou shall not judge: Keep the ideas flowing. You can evaluate or rank them later.
2. Thou shall not comment: There are no silly, stupid, nor outrageous ideas during brainstorming.
3. Thou shall not edit: Keep the ideas coming even if they are sloppy. You can clear them up later.
4. Thou shall not execute: Do not jump to implementation.
5. Thou shall not worry: Every idea matters. Don't be fearful to throw them out there.
6. Thou shall not look backwards: Don't hold back because previous ideas where not adopted.
7. Thou shall not loose focus: Stay on track and move unrelated topics for later discussion.
8. Thou shall not sap energy: Stay engaged and energized.
9. Thou shall not compare: Even if ideas appear similar to others, write them down and keep moving.
10. Thou shall not make funny at others' expense: Do not laugh at ideas that come out.
The full article is available on Forbes.com at http://www.forbes.com/2010/04/20/brainstorming-ideation-ideas-leadership-managing-innovation.html