Next Joshua explains the process of API design. Gather requirements in terms of use cases. Start with a short 1 page spec. Bounce it around as many people as possible and flesh it out as you gain confidence. Then write to your API early and often, even before it’s implemented or fully specified. The code will act as examples to use in unit tests. If writing an SPI (plug-in for multiple interfaces), make sure you try on 3 different implementations. You can’t please everyone so instead aim to displease everyone equally. Expect to make mistakes and flush those out after a few years of real use.
Then Joshua covers some general principles:
· API should do one thing and do it well. Functionality should be easy to name.
· API should be as small as possible. When in doubt, leave it out, as it is easy to add it later, but you can never remove it. Look for a good power to weight ratio.
· Implementation details should not impact API
· Minimize accessibility of everything. Make classes and members as private as possible. Allow classes to be used, understood, built, tested, and debugged independently.
· Names matter. Avoid cryptic abbreviations. Be consistent. Strive for symmetry.
· Documentation matters. Document religiously. Document every class, interface, method,
constructor, parameter, and exception.
· Consider Performance consequences of API decision on performance. Bad decisions include making types mutable, using constructors instead of factories, and using implementation instead of interface
· API must coexist peacefully with platform. Obey naming conventions, avoid obsolete types, mimic patterns and take advantage of core API and language features while avoiding language pitfalls.
Next Joshua covers class design and emphasizes minimizing mutability, subclassing only when it makes sense (Liskov), and designing and document for inheritance, otherwise prohibiting it.
For method design:
· Don’t make the client do anything the module could do
· Don’t violate the principle of least astonishment
· Fail Fast- report errors as soon as possible after they occur.
· Provide programmatic access to all data available string form
· Overload with care: just because you can does not mean you should.
· Use consistent parameter ordering across methods.
· Avoid long parameter lists
· Avoid return values that demand exceptional processing: return zero length array or empty collection instead of null
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